
Health care provider options for PrEP

Brief summary

In work package 4 we will investigate different possibilities to deliver PrEP to its users. We will explore how PrEP care is currently organized, both worldwide and in Belgium, and how the Belgian service delivery model can be optimized in the future. By combining results obtained from this work package with those of work package 3, we aim to find out how PrEP care can be organized efficiently, while at the same time responding to PrEP users’ needs.

Main junior researcher:  Jef Vanhamel
Supervisors: Bea Vuylsteke en Thijs Reyniers

Why this research?

Much of our current understanding of how to organize PrEP care is derived from early research studies on PrEP. Yet it is currently unclear what the best way is to provide PrEP through routine health care services outside a research context. We will bridge this knowledge gap by providing an in-depth analysis of the Belgian experience with delivering PrEP care.

Our main objectives

How will this research be done?

Expected results and output

Results from studies of this work package will be combined with the findings obtained in work package 3 (“PrEP users’ needs”) to make meaningful recommendations towards the development of a service delivery model for PrEP that is both efficiently organized and responsive to users’ needs and care preferences.